It arrives sooner than expected  

Posted by honeyz

Coming back from meeting with JPA today, I was immediately reminded by my housemate that I had a package waiting for me in the hall. I can't remember buying anything online for the past few days. When I tried to guess the content of the package, I could tell right away that it was a book. Huh, since when did I buy a book? For sure it's not a textbook.

But I was wrong. I did order a book and it was on Wednesday. Haha, what a memory I have!! Actually, I expected it to be thicker since I paid 20 dollars for it. Uh, never mind. I remember ordering a copy when listening to live Ilminar from AlMaghrib Institute entitled "Navigating Through Volatile Times". One of the speakers is the co-author of this book.

Basically, it was a discussion about the financial market crisis that is brewing right now and how unregulated riba-involving transactions are leading to the collapse of the market. Even though the speaker used a lot of jargons that I could barely understand, it was hard to say that I had no interest at all about the topic being discussed. Moreover, I'm taking a course in Finance next quarter, so, I have to be
mentally and physically prepared. I had the feeling that learning about Western interpretation of financial capitalism can be a bit challenging considering how Islam is against riba, gambling and speculation. That's why I wanted to know more about Islam's approaches towards finance and investment.

By the way, the title of the book is "A Muslim's Guide to Investing & Personal Finance". I'm really looking forward to reading it since Suhaib Webb had already given it a pretty good review in his blog. Flipping it through, I could see some colorful and attractive illustrations here and there. It's gonna be a not-so-boring-finance-book I guess.

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 25, 2008 and is filed under . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .

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eh eh kak hanis boleh la lupa smpai mcm tu kan. hehe

tu laa, org ader "syndrom hilang ingatan jangka pendek" ahaha tak caye bule tanye dilin :P

p/s: pon suke anta barang laju2. Sgt suker~~ hehe

Anonymous nak try la dear.hihiks.neway, selamat mmbaca! lama xdgr cite haniz besh woo banat, then byk beauty products yg pelik2. tp tak tau la dorang wat international shipping ke tak.

Anonymous hmm sounds familiar to me hehehe

Hehee, bukan ko ader minat satu shampoo ni ke, ibah? :P

p/s: plg x tahan ngan brand philosophy, nak jual barang pon sempat lagi berfalsafah :D